

The colored bits of glass, stones and metal are strewn across the work table before me. I stir them with a searching finger. This is not an aimless pursuit, but one of waiting for the colors, texture and my imaginings to all come together and to loosely form a design for a new piece of jewelry.

This will be costume jewelry because the findings and pieces of metal needed will be of the plated or filled variety, unless I choose copper. Today, I think I'll use gemstones, crystal, ceramic and maybe a resin mix.

The solid rainbow lying out before me has made a decision. The aqua, blues, and greens seem to arrange themselves asking to be the chosen ones, so they will. The bracelet, will be called "blues jam" because that's the way I've been feeling lately (a touch of reality) and for how I will attach them, all jumbled up on the silver chain (the way I feel like working.) Also the name reminds me of food, and I get hungry when I design. For some reason, this activity makes me think about all kinds of food…I don't know why; I just go with it. I twist, turn, bend and adjust my fingers while the pages of my mind are flipping through recipe books!

As I began the pleasing task of adding the beads and other adornments I make a determined effort to distract my mind from food and spend the time thinking of the scriptures; can I think of scripture that gives spiritual legitimacy to my hobby and crafting of something so nonessential as costume jewelry?

Well can I? Ummm…let me search the scripture.

"Don't worry," answered the priest. "The Lord is pleased with what you are doing."
Judges 18:6 CEV

Grabbing a scripture just by flipping through a Bible's pages may not always be the best way to find an answer, especially without first reading the background, even though at first sight it seems to be.

True, this scripture is speaking of people who were subsidiaries to the tribe of Dan as they sought a land to call their own. Also true is the fact the priest, even though he was a Levite he was into idols, and was rather wishy-washy with both God and man. From commentaries, I understand he used "methods of divination" to get the desired answer for the crowd. This was not of God's doing; I won't use it as my reference for legitimacy.

I will search further, and as I do I must ask myself; whose approval do I truly desire, am I more concerned about what my peers think, or what God, my heavenly Father, thinks??

"Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts."
1 Thessalonians 2:4, NLT

And then I remember reading in Matthew recently: "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33 NIV

So, perhaps I won't find my answer in a word-for-word instruction as in, "Rhea do this!" but, in reading scripture, praying, and understanding the intent of God's will in my life. It is a matter of priorities as well as choices. As I put God first; in position, in the matter of time, in love, and worship; in return, he blesses me with appreciation for the colors of his world; he gives me the ability to feel, touch and form objects; I experience satisfaction, job well-done.

I hope I speak for all Christian scrap bookers, photographers, seamstress, and hobby masters of all ilk; God has placed deep gratitude in us for the things with which he has decorated this world. It is his pleasure to bring us happiness by planting in our lives the talents to see a little differently and use what he has so lavishly spread before us to complete our lives and also bring us pleasure. Things others may see as mundane we see as treasure, and give thanks.

I think this is called the "abundant life!"

"I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full till it overflows.)" John 10:10b

I give him first place bringing him glory. He allows me expanded time, the overflow to experience the talents he placed within me; my time is not wasted it is blessed.

"Thank you Lord for allowing me to see the colors of the world in a special way, and to enjoy the beauty and texture of the things in your nature. Thank you for prompting the hearts of man with the desire to mimic your art, and for the many creative urges you blessed us with. I don't understand why I should deserve even a drop of the grace you offer me physically or spiritually, and I only know they meld together so effortlessly because you are the ultimate life designer. Thank you for the drawing power of your Holy Scripture and the worlds and Godly beauty it has opened to me. You have so graciously planted in my heart the knowledge of your great salvation found in Jesus Christ; it is paramount in my life, all else flows from it, and because of it. Thank you for creating me as me, and whatever I do I offer to you."

I find that I can relax now and be at peace about my pursuits; I pick up my pliers, flex the muscles in my hand by stirring the colored bits of glass, stone, and metal with a searching finger. I retreat to the zone!"

~I encourage you to "seek and find" the special blessing God has put in your Life, offer it back to him then enjoy it to the fullest, be blessed!


  1. Thanks for your insight! Sometimes I wonder if I am wasting my time tatting and making bobbin lace, but then think why would God give us these abilities if we were not to use them. When we use the talents He gave us and use them to honor Him, I think He is pleased.

  2. Thanks Kimmie, I think you understand me, "takes one to know one," crafter, that is!


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