
Beautiful, Isn't He

Jesus SunIsn’t He beautiful, beautiful, Isn’t He? Prince of peace, Son of God, isn’t He…” so the praise hymn goes, and so goes my heart and spirit caught in thrall with my Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

And yet, I find in the Bible, as Isaiah prophesies about Jesus, in chapter 53 in verse 2b (NIV): “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him.”

I find I am I arguing with Isaiah, “Not my Lord!  He is the lily of the valley, my bright and morning star!”  There is no moment in which I find him uncomely, unlovely.

I understand that Isaiah was prophesying how the world of Jesus’s day would perceive Him, because they were expecting pomp and royalty, an earthly kingly messiah, nothing in His personal appearance could live up to their expectations.  His lowly position at birth, and His ordinary looks would not be pleasing to the Jews; they expected the glory of a powerful king in stature, and majesty as he ruled over his earth kingdom.

In time, He came as a shoot of a plant, He grew humbly, silently, and inertly, and yet fulfilling ancient promises, “Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot ~ yes, a new branch bearing fruit from the old root” (Isaiah 11:1 New Living Translation).

Isn’t He Wonderful?  Wonderful, isn’t he?  Counselor, Almighty God, isn’t He?  Isn’t He, isn’t He, isn’t He?”  The words and melody weave their way through my heart, as though they were curling Christmas ribbons on their way to wrap my soul in praise.

The more I read Isaiah the more I appreciate my Lord’s coming ~ the way He came and the cause for which He came to earth.  He came in innocence as a baby; He grew into a humble, strong, and sin-forgiving savior.  He is the miracle worker, the lover of my soul, and indweller who binds me to Himself eternally.  Jesus is the beautiful one whom I adore; whose presence entraps me on the edge of His glory.

I see the beauty of Him through the eyes of my faith.  His beauty is more than face or form; it is He, the Son, sharing the mighty light of brilliant colors of God’s majestic glory; it is He at the right side of the Father, interceding eternally for me; isn’t He beautiful, isn’t He? 

He is grace; He is mercy, and He is mine, “Yes you are beautiful; beautiful, yes you are!  Prince of peace, son of God yes, you are!”

Should you desire to know this One, this savior, this “very” son of God, you can find Him in the scriptures, in the gospels.  Let Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John introduce you, as the whole Bible speaks His glory and shines light on your path as you travel through life with Him.  He will be your need’s supplier, your heart’s comfort; He will take you to the throne of heaven and stand as the gate, and you will enter through Him; beautiful, isn’t He?
Isn’t He
(John Wimber)
Isn’t He (isn’t He)
Beautiful (beautiful)?
Beautiful (beautiful)
Isn’t He (isn’t He)?
Prince of peace
Son of God, isn’t He?
Isn’t He (isn’t He)
Wonderful (wonderful) ?
Wonderful (wonderful)
Isn’t He (isn’t He) ?
Almighty God, isn’t He?
Isn‘t He? Isn‘t He?
Yes You are (yes You are)
Beautiful (beautiful)!
Beautiful (beautiful)
Yes You are (yes You are)!
Prince of peace
Son of God, yes You are!
Yes You are (yes You are)
Wonderful (wonderful) !
Wonderful (wonderful)
Yes You are (yes You are)!
Almighty God, yes You are!
Copyright © 1997 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing. All rights reserved. International copyright secured.


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