
Just an Ordinary Day

Just an Ordinary Day

This is a day like no other, just an ordinary day, a day to let something new occur. A day to hope once again and a day to try living on more than just the edge of trust.

Caught up in a busy day yet the love of heaven turns me around puts my feet in a different set of footprints and sends me on in a new way. So excited by intrigue I go forth.

This seems to happen often, I grope for a moment or two then I find my balance, I return to the day, and I search and then follow the new thing the Lord has for me.

I want to live in awareness, so I will sense just when I need to move. I want my feet to follow His in this heaven and earth dance in which we exist, for in this is freedom and security.

The night has come; my own will now has less hold on me as I move into the prayer realm of, "I surrender all", longing for the morning; a time of rekindling; I desire to prove myself to a giving God.

Comfort, the gift of my loving Father has warmth, strength, and joy worked through it as though stirred with a spoon that fills me. It shares kinship with forgiveness and mercy all mixed by the hand of repentance.

I dream of heaven, of those who now reside on that side of eternity; while sleeping we touch and remembrances come with a flood of the good memories. I rest contentedly.

Rested, washed anew in faith, desiring to be more like Him; I awaken to this day which is like no other, just an ordinary day.


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